A: Yes. In the event that these require payment, however, they will be for your account as the main member.
A: Halo will assist you with any emergency that will endanger your life, such as those caused by road accidents, sudden medical events (heart attacks or strokes), accidents resulting in grievous bodily harm, and many more.
A: Halo is committed to providing you with the fastest route to emergency assistance, with minimal health risk.
Here's what support you can expect from Halo in a medical emergency:
Please note that if you as the main member have a medical aid policy, any emergency medical transport will be recovered from your medical aid, whereas if you don't have a medical aid, the cost incurred will be covered by Halo.
A: Once you activate your Halo emergency panic button, an alert as well as your location will be sent to our support team. You will receive a SMS notifying you that your alert has been sent, and a friendly Halo agent will then call you back within 90 seconds. The relevant services (police, ambulance, or roadside assistance) will then be dispatched directly to you, providing you with speedy and professional assistance when you need it most. With your permission, our Halo support agent will contact a loved one to inform them of your location, and inform them about the nature of your emergency.
A: Halo's HIV assistance and advice is available to the Member's spouse and any dependants under the age of 18. The services offered by Halo include:
A: Our capable team consists of qualified doctors, nursing sisters and paramedics. This ensures that you will have access to a wealth of medical information from a highly reputable and reliable source.
A: In the event of a family member's death, Halo will assist in transporting your loved one's body back home from a venue 50km from the principal member's place of residence. In addition, Halo will provide you with additional information including;